Practical Personal Web Building

Practical Personal Web Building

Practical Personal Web Building

About this Course

About this Course

About this Course

About this Course

From website development basics to responsive web design and animation, let students unleash their creativity and build personal websites, paving the way for further education and employment opportunities!

From website development basics to responsive web design and animation, let students unleash their creativity and build personal websites, paving the way for further education and employment opportunities!

Learning Goals

Learning Goals

Learning Goals

Learning Goals

Understand the world of websites

Understand the world of websites

Explore the best & worst of web designs

Explore the best & worst of web designs

Build a fun & awesome personal website

Build a fun & awesome personal website

Course Outline

Course Outline

Course Outline

Course Outline

  1. Understanding the background and value of website development

  2. Critiquing and conceptualizing web design portfolios

  3. Introduction to website structure and layout

  4. Mastering website elements and space

  5. Building a website resource library

  6. Utilizing multi-platform responsive design

  7. Mastery of component characteristics and applications

  8. Creating a personal content management system (CMS)

  9. Application of web animation and interactive effects

  10. Advanced interaction using components, CMS, and animation

  11. Website integration, optimization, and publishing

  12. Sharing works and receiving feedback.











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Fantasktic EdTech Limited

Fan{taskt}tic Academy

Inspiring the Next Generation of Thinkers & Innovators

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Fantasktic EdTech Limited